• School of Medicine

      School of Medicine is a dynamic institution which offers undergraduate and graduate programs for students who wish to seek a career in the field of medicine. This school that has managed to become one of the leading medicine schools in Iran has 19 academic departments and research and educational laboratories which allow it to implement the strategies undertaken by Lorestan University of Medical Sciences. Students are provided the chance, based on this strategy, to acquire the knowledge and skills required to become successful physicians and researchers.

      Dean: Behrouz Farzan

      Vice-Dean for Clinical Sciences: Azita Zafar Mohtasham

      Vice-Dean for Basic Sciences: Shirzad Fallahi

      Vice-Dean for Research: Hassan Ahmadvand

      Contact Us:

      Address: School of Medicine, Kamalvand Campus, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Lorestan, Iran.

      Postal code: 6813833946

      : pr@lums.ac.ir

      : +98 -066-33302033

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