• student affairs


       The office of the vice chancellor for the student affairs

      The purposes and duties of the vice chancellore:
      The vice chancellor for  student and cultural affairs of the university undertakes the following tasks:controlling the enactment of policies-planning schedules-performing, guiding, supervising,and evaluating all cultural and student affairs such as cultural matters,social and extracurricular affairs,sporting and physical education,welfare affairs,hygiene and cure,counseling the students and disciplinary affairs.The vice chancellor for the student affairs performs these tasks with regard to the enacted regulations and rules.



      The tasks and authorities:

      1) Evaluating the needs and making plans concerning the efficient presentation of welfare services,cultural services,and social services for the students.
      2) Supervising the presentation anf performance of welfare activities such as loan,insurance,etc.
      3) Supervising the cultural,political and social affairs as well as all the non-educational and extracurricular activities of the students.
      4) Developing and extending different sporting activities in the university and providing the relevant facilities.
      5) Supervising the settlement of the students and making the required decisions for the presentation of the house services.
      6) Supervising the accomplishment of student tasks for the applicants.
      7) Accomplishing the affais concerning the councelling and guiding the students in the personal,educational and job matters.
      8) Planning for providing the cultural and artistic facilities for the other individuals engaged in the university,based on cooperation with the respective deputies in the university.
      The management of student affairs:



      A)The housing service:

      Dormitory is a part of the campus in which the students use the cultural facilities,extracurricul activities,sporting facilities,the livelihoods and the equipmens which the university can afford, during their settlement,based on the identified regulations and circumstances.
      In case the university is able to provide the accommodations,the qualified students can use the dormitories depending on the duration of their education.The schedule is as follows:
      Diploma and disjointed bachelor:four semesters-bachelor:eight semesters-master of science:five semesters-professional doctorate:fifteen semesters-specialized doctorate(ph.d):eight semesters.
      The admission and the settlement of non-local students as well as providing the students with comfort and calm in the dormitory,are considered as the tasks of the housing service.The total dormitories supported by the housing service comprise seven dormitories,inclunding four dormitories for ladies,and three dormitories for gentlemen.



      B)The food service:

      The tasks of food service in details:

      The food service provides and distributes healthy food and intends to improve the health quality of food and secure the physical and mental health of the stududents.The food service tries to satisfy the students through presenting qualified and healthy food as well as observing nutrition values and healthy distribution of food.

      1)Receiving the main subsidized food substances from its respective ministry and their immediate delivery to the contractor.

      2)Supervising the purchase,quality,and storage of food substances,as well as cooking and distributing food by the nutrition specialist.

      3)Supervising the sanitation of the cafeterias,personnels and the employees working in the kitchen by the specialist of environment hygiene.



      C)The welfare service:

      The welfare and cooperation department,as one of the branches of the management of student affairs,aims at satisfying the students through the presentation of student loans,and insurance cards as well as performinf the activities related to the students, and finally through the quick finalization of graduation affairs and declaring the debt pf the students.



      The management of cultural affairs:

      A)The department of cultural and extracurricular activities:

      Nowadays the universities in the global level undertake new cultural and social tasks in addition to the educational and research ones.Among these new tasks is the role of acculturation and socialization.In other words,although the university tries to release knowledge,train experts,and works for their future employment in the society;there should be some rules,values,and beliefs internalizied within the students' minds and relavant to their future job circumstances.This behavior and values are not merely obtained in the formal classes.
      The tasks and authorities of this department:
      The department of  cultural and extracurricular activities comprises one of the managements of the office of the vice chancellor for the students,and undertakes the following tasks:

      1) Plannig,guiding,and supervising the cultural activities of the university.
      2) Providing the equipments needed for the spread and extension of the cultgural activities of the students.
      3) Encouraging the students to participate in the cultural,and artistic activities.
      4) Communicating,and cooperating with the cultural organizations and institutions within the country and abroad.
      5) Considering,analyzing,and recognizing the cultural problems, as well as the needs of the applicants,the  background and  causes of  the students' vulnerability,and  finally pondering on the solutions of the cultural problems.
      6) Providing the facilities needed for the familiarization of the students with the symbols of religious and national civilization, as well as culture,through the tours and visits.
      7) Preparing the circumstances for the students to get familiar and communicate with the scientific and cultural organizations, and cultural departments, as well as the elites,and the sages.
      8) Providing appropriate circumstances for the students to present cultural and artistic works.
      9) Advocating and supporting the cultural activities of the student associations.

      10) Stablishing the cultural and artistic groups.
      11) Holding different ceremonies in order to glorify, and honour the scientists as well as the sages.
      12) Holding different festivals in order to involve the students in distinct activities during their leisure time.These activities include the training classes,cultural and artistic exhibitions,festivals,etc.


      Activities and services:
      The canon of activity in the department of the cultural and extracurricular activities is based on the voluntary participation of the students in the realms of cultue and art.A  great deal of cultural and artistic activities have been done in the Lorestan  University of Medical Sciences in the recent years, with the participation of the students.Among these activities,are the followings:establishment and initiation of artistic,and cultural groups-authorization,and advocacy of some student periodicals to be published- constant holding of the cultural council meetings-establishment of the cultural and artistic training unit-establishment of the unit of visual and audio medias-extending the physical environment,rooms,budget,and cultural facilities in the dormitories-dispatching the students and the faculty members to the ''omreh mofradeh'',((the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia ))-performing different cultural activities including religious ceremonies,tour and visit,conference and lecture, meetings,assemblies,and festivals-playing and analyzing the movies critically-holding the contest of reciting and reading poems-holding exhibition,training classes,etc.

      B)The department of physical education:

      The tasks of this department in details:
      1) Planning schedules and running different activities regarding to the improvement of the students'physical abilities,as well as their maintenance of freshness and joy.
      2) Teaching the courses of physical education 1&2,as well as the other relavant courses.
      3) Arranging and supervising the exercises of different sporting courses for the male and female students in the section of sporting extracurricular activities.
      4) Preparing the different sporting teams of the university in order to take part in the competitions, and supervising the performance of the coaches.
      5) Arranging the annual schedule of the students' physical education(for both ladies and gentlemen).
      6) preparing the circumstances for the establishment of the sporting  associations of the university,beside maintaining sporting clubs.
      7) Supervising the activities of the gymnasiums and the sporting locations of the university.
      8) Participating in different sporting competitions.
      9) Holding sporting competitions in different occasions during a year.
      10) Preparing different sporting teams in order to participate in the student sporting Olympiad(ladies and gentlemen).

      The  criteria of physical education:
      1) The total sporting locations(the roofless ones) peculiar to the students during a year divided by the number of the students.
      2) The total sporting locations(the roofed ones)peculiar to the students during a year divided by the number of the students.

      The student counseling department:

      The definition of counseling:councelling is an active proceess involving the meeting of the client and the councellor,during which the client is aided to have a better understanding of his abilities, and a better recognition of the facilities provided for him,and finally to achieve a better adaptation in life.The councellor helps the client during the process of councelling learn the followingd: how to communicate with the others,fulfill one's needs,know one's unknown emotions,get detailed information about oneself,and be able to make rational and logical decisions after recognizing the aims of life and realizing the manner af achieving them.
      The services of the councelling departmet include educational councelling-personal councelling-family councelling-physcometrics-assisting-marriage councelling- holding the training courses-playing movies-the psychological analysis and review of these movies-lectures-and publishing bulletins about the metnal hygiene.

      The disciplinary council:
      The important purposes of establishing the disciplinary councils are the followings:protecting the supreme status of  university and contributing to the purity of the educational and research environments-providing the university members with their public rights through encouraging the students to observe their own dignity as well as through the rejection of phenomena such as indiscipline,lawbreaking,and ignoring the personal and social rights of the others.
      Due to having some members such as the sages and the students, the disciplinary council follows some basic principles, including considering the wise and rational methods in dealing with the students' infractions and observing the piety in judgement as well as in decision making.


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