• Research Priorities in Nutrition Health Research



      1) Studying iodine levels in salt in centers of production, distribution and use in the Lorestan province
      2) Studying the prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity in all sex and age groups
      3) Studying the levels of awareness and attitude, and performances of female students in Khorramabad high schools for girls in relation to nutritional anemia and its consequences
      4) Studying the diet of the elderly
      5) Studying the eating habits among the people of Lorestan concerning the use of native foods
      6) Studying the nutritional value of native and traditional foods in Lorestan Province
      7) Impact of enriching food by micronutrients on nutritional conditions of people
      8) Comparing the impact of supplementation by one or two micronutrients on the levels of zinc, iron, and Vitamin A in primary school children
      9) Studying the level of iron in flour and enriched bread and also its bio-availabilityin Lorestan enriched bread
      10) Studying dietary patterns and habits and HEI (Healthy Eating Index) in population groups of the province
      11) Impact of iron supplementation on the levels of iron and tin ,, and the consequence of pregnancy in healthy pregnant women
      12) Impact of nutritional interventions on overweight in children
      13) The relationship between schools buffets and epidemic of childhood obesity
      14) Studying the relationship between dietary pattern and chronic diseases
      15) Studying the relationship between dietary pattern and non-alcoholic fatty liver
      16) Impact of using different oils on non-alcoholic fatty liver
      17) Impact of eating breakfast on weight-control in students
      18) Studying the epidemic of excess fat in normal-weight people
      19) Studying the epidemic ofmetabolic syndrome in different groups of society
      20) Impact of cinnamon on glycemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes
      21) Studying the impact of Vitamin D on type 2 diabetes
      22) Studying the relationship between dietary patterns and cancer
      23) Studying the amount of zinc in maternal serum (blood) and its relation with pregnancy result
      24) Studying the dietary habits of athletes
      25) Studying the amount of heavy metals in foods
      26) Studying the remnants of antibiotics and hormones in foods and methods of their elimination
      27) Studying the conditions of food digestionand cataract
      28) Studying the nutritional effects of different kinds of tea
      29) Studying the amount of zinc in primary school students’ sera or hair and its relation with human stature
      30) Identifying the nutritional habits and patterns in population groups of the province
      31) Evaluating the quality of high consumption foods
      32) Studying the fungal  contamination and existence of aflatoxin in different kinds of foods
      33)  Studying the intake of fast foods and their impacts on overweight, serum lipids and diabetes.
      34) Studying the dietary conditions of  inpatients in different hospital wards
      35) Studying the quality of water which has been purified by water filter at home as compared to bottled water.
      36) Identifying the amount and elimination methods of high priority pollutants, that are carcinogenic, and bring about abnormality as well as mutagenic
      37) Studying the methods of protecting drainage basins for the purpose of preventing the entrance of natural, urban, industrial, agricultural, and animal pollutants, etc. to water resources; and studying the methods of eliminating the pollutants
      38) Studying the methods of improving the processes of water purification systems and their associated establishment method with emphasis on disinfection byproducts (THMs), ozone generating byproducts (bromates), and elimination of natural organic matters (NOMs) from water
      39) Usage of nanotechnology and biotechnology in water purification
      40)  Using efficient and cheap antiseptics in drinking water disinfection
      41) Studying the impacts of atmospheric dusts on the quality of farm products


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