• Pharmacotherapy


      Department of Pharmacotherapy

      Pharmacotherapy, also known as clinical pharmacy, is one of the specialties of pharmacy. Specialists and experts of pharmacotherapy have an excellent command of medicine and pharmacy. They have the skills required for collecting, analyzing and utilizing the clinical data obtained from patients in order to design, monitor and evaluate medicinal foods.

      The courses offered by the Department of Pharmaceutics in the PharmD program:

      Medication therapy I

      Medication therapy II

      Medication therapy III

      General diseases

      Clinical pharmacy internship


      Research Priorities:

      ·         Conducting clinical trials

      ·         Evaluating the consumption model of medications

      ·         Conducting Animal studies


      Faculty Members:

      Dr. Ali Kharazmkia

      PhD in pharmacotherapy

      assistant professor


      Dr. Forouzan Ahmadpour

      PhD in clinical pharmacy

      assistant professor



      Contact Us:

      Address: Department of Pharmacotherapy, School of Pharmacy, Kamalvand Campus, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Lorestan, Iran.

      Postal Code: 381351698

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