• The Council of Clinical Qualification Assessment


      The director of the council is responsible for


      Members of the Council:


      Dr. Ghafar Ali Mahmoudi

      Dean of the School of Medicine

      Dr. Azita Zafar Mohtasham

      Vice-Dean for Clinical Sciences

      Dr. Ali Pooria

      the representative of the Department of Surgery

      Dr. Kourosh Ghanadi

      the representative of the Department of Internal Medicine

      Dr. Soleiman Jaferian

      the representative of the Department of Internal Medicine

      Dr. Majid Firouzi

      the representative of the Department of Pediatrics

      Dr. Hedayat Nazari

      the representative of the Department of Psychiatry

      Dr. Mohammad Reza Nazer

      the representative of the Department of Infectious Diseases

      Dr. Masoumeh Ghafarzadeh

      the representative of the Department of Obstetrics and Genecology

      Dr. Mostafa Cheraghi

      the representative of the Department of Cardiology


      Responsibilities of the Council:


      ü  Holding the sessions of the Council and sending the minutes of the proceedings and enactments to the School of Medicine

      ü  Holding introductory sessions with the representatives of interns and externs to inform them of the exam procedure

      ü  Preparing academic documents concerning the clinical skills test and sending them to the representatives of every group

      ü  Supervising the intra sessions of the Council

      ü  Supervising the accomplishment of the 12 articles of the clinical qualification bylaw issued by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education

      ü  Planning and organizing the essential clinical skills assessment test at the end of internship course

      ü  Organizing intra-group sessions and informing other members of how to administer the exam

      ü  Supervising the process of administering the exams

      ü  Accreditation of the exams

      ü  Creating the question bank of the exams with the aid of the members of other groups and sending its electronic file for the Council every three month


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